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Kernel: Magma

Quick overview of computational geometry in Magma

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What is Magma?

Magma is a computer algebra system for computations in algebra, number theory, and geometry.

(A magma, in the sense of Bourbaki, is a set with binary operation.)

We strive to provide:

  • a mathematically rigorous environment, with

  • highly efficient algorithms and implementations.

Magma consists of a large C kernel to achieve efficiency, and an ever increasing package of library functions programmed in the Magma language for higher level functions.

The Magma model

The Magma model is based on concepts from category theory.

  • Every object belongs to a (unique, extended) category, a class of objects belonging to a variety that share the same representation.

  • Every object has a (unique) parent structure, describing the mathematical context in which it is viewed.

  • Univariate and multivariate polynomial ring form the categories RngUPol and RngMPol (which lie in the variety Rng). Univariate polynomials over the integers form an extended category RngUPol[RngInt]. The parent of a univariate polynomial is its polynomial ring.


In this example we write down a monomial scheme and analyze the basic properties of its components.

// Declare affine 3-space over the rationals. A<x,y,z> := AffineSpace(Rationals(),3); A;
// Define the subscheme of A defined by a sequence of polynomials. X := Scheme(A,[x*y^2,x^4*z]); X;
// Invariants and predicates. Dimension(X); IsReduced(X); Xprim := PrimaryComponents(X); Xprim;
// Xprim is a sequence of components; to access elements, use brackets. Xprim[1]; PrimeComponents(X); Xred, f := ReducedSubscheme(X); Xred;
// f is the inclusion map f:Xred -> X. f; AmbientSpace(X);
// Comparison in Magma is "eq" AmbientSpace(X) eq A; I := DefiningIdeal(X); I;
// The ring containing I. R := Generic(I); R;
// Define a subscheme of projective space. Proj(R/I);

Groebner bases

// We compute the Groebner basis of the "Cyclic-6" ideal with respect // to the lexicographical order. P<x,y,z,t,u,v> := PolynomialRing(Rationals(), 6); P; // Declare the ideal. I := ideal<P | x + y + z + t + u + v, x*y + y*z + z*t + t*u + u*v + v*x, x*y*z + y*z*t + z*t*u + t*u*v + u*v*x + v*x*y, x*y*z*t + y*z*t*u + z*t*u*v + t*u*v*x + u*v*x*y + v*x*y*z, x*y*z*t*u + y*z*t*u*v + z*t*u*v*x + t*u*v*x*y + u*v*x*y*z + v*x*y*z*t, x*y*z*t*u*v - 1>;
// Declare the ideal in a more clever way. sigma := hom<P -> P | [y,z,t,u,v,x]>; sigma(x); gens := [ &+[ (sigma^i)(m) : i in [1..6] ] : m in [x,x*y,x*y*z,x*y*z*t,x*y*z*t*u] ] cat [x*y*z*t*u*v - 1]; gens eq Generators(I);
// Compute a Groebner basis time gb := GroebnerBasis(I); #gb;
// Now we can compute dimension Dimension(I);
// Since the ideal is zero-dimensional and the monomial order is lex, // the last polynomial in the lex Groebner basis is univariate. gb[17]; time Factorization(gb[17]); Roots(UnivariatePolynomial(gb[17]), ComplexField());
// Now compute the elimination ideal of I which eliminates // variables 1 through 4. EliminationIdeal(I, 4);
// We write a "short" function for creating the cyclic n-ideal. function CyclicNIdeal(n); P := PolynomialRing(Rationals(), n); sigma := hom<P -> P | [P.i : i in [2..n] cat [1]]>; monoms := [P.1]; for i := 2 to n do Append(~monoms, monoms[i-1]*P.i); end for; gens := [ &+[ (sigma^i)(m) : i in [1..n] ] : m in monoms[1..n-1] ] cat [ monoms[n] - 1]; return ideal<P | gens>; end function;
// Instruct the Faugere algorithm to be chatty so we can watch // the progression of the computation. SetVerbose("Groebner", 1); time gb := GroebnerBasis(CyclicNIdeal(7)); gb[#gb]; // Turn verbosity off! SetVerbose("Groebner", 0);
SetNthreads(1); // 80-variable HFE mutlivariable polynomial system over GF(2) B := HFESystem(2, 80, 100); Universe(B); SetShowRealTime(true); time gbHFE := GroebnerBasis(B ,4 : HFE, ReductionHeuristic := 1000); SetNthreads(8); time gbHFE := GroebnerBasis(B ,4 : HFE, ReductionHeuristic := 1000); SetShowRealTime(false);
// Magma can work with many different kinds of term orders and ground rings. Z := IntegerRing(); // Construct polynomial ring with weight order and x > y > z P<a,b,c> := PolynomialRing(Z, 3, "weight", [4,2,1, 1,2,3, 1,1,1]); (a+b^2+c^3)^4;

Resolution graph of a curve singularity

// First make a curve with a singularity A<x,y> := AffineSpace(Rationals(),2); C := Curve(A,(x^2 - y^3)^2 + x*y^6); C;
// The interesting singularity is at the origin. // Calculate the resolution graph of this singularity and display it. g := ResolutionGraph(C, Origin(A)); g; // The resulting graph has 6 vertices. So the transverse resolution // of this singularity is achieved by 6 blowups. // In brackets, each vertex has a label of the form [s, m, k, t], where: // s is the self-intersection; // m is the multiplicity (dependent on context); // k is the canonical multiplicity; // t is the number of transverse intersections at v.
A<x,y> := AffineSpace(Rationals(),2); X := Scheme(A, [(x^2 - y^3)^2 + x*y^6]); pt := X!Origin(A); X1, m1 := Blowup(X, pt); S := IrreducibleComponents(SingularSubscheme(X1)); Blowup(X1, X1 meet S[1]);

What else?

A<x,y> := AffineSpace(Rationals(),2); C := Curve(A,(x^2 - y^3)^2 + x*y^6); PC<x,y,z> := ProjectiveClosure(C); PC; conic<x,y,z>, m := Conic(PC); conic; "#"^30; m;